The Secret Life of Bees: What you didn’t know about these tiny pollinators
This blog is part of a series, led by the Youth4Nature USA Team, to celebrate World Bee Day (May 20, 2020).
1) Bees communicate through dance. The round dance tells others that there’s food nearby, waggle dance is used to tell the nest that food is far away.
2) You can easily help bees by placing a shallow dish of water outside in your garden for them to get a quick drink or bath.
3) Honeybees can’t see the color red… but their eyesight is way better than ours.
4) The fossil record proves that bees have been around for at least 100,000 years.
5) Dumbledore, one of Harry Potter’s friends in the J.K. Rowling series, is named after bees. The word dumbledore is an old English word for bumblebee.
About the Author:
Emma Thornton is a lead member of the Youth4Nature USA team and an energy efficiency associate with Energy Solutions. She is a recent graduate of Northeastern University with expertise in sustainability and environmental justice, shaped by experiences with Environment America, Oxfam, J-PAL, Ceres, and NEJRC. When not researching climate solutions, Emma can be found walking dogs through Boston parks.