We were honored to host our guest for the July spotlight - Munduru Mwajuma, Founder and Executive Director at Family Uplift Uganda, to delve deeper into financial literacy and how it contributes to restoration efforts led by women and youth.
May Spotlight with Sarah | #Y4NSpotlightSeries
Young, Leading and Inspiring
On the shores of Lake Victoria, Michelle and her younger brother Jeremy set out to co-found Bring Back the L.Victoria. With a vision to restore the lake to it’s pristine condition, Bring Back L.Victoria started as a campaign to rid the lake ecosystem of plastic waste and to create a thriving haven for biodiversity and communities once again. On our April edition of the #Y4NSpotlightSeries, we hosted a
#Y4NSpotlightSeries with Chile Kangwa
In the month of February 2021, we embarked on our Y4N Spotlight Series. On this feature, we hosted Mr. Chile Kangwa, a youth leader from the southern African country of Zambia, to understand more about his story and his organisation, action for nature. Here is the conversation Chile had with our Regional Director for Africa, Kaluki.