social equality

Narratives of Change: Breathing Change

Narratives of Change: Breathing Change

At nine, Leena Joshi was struck by the harsh contrast between polluted Delhi and the clear skies of Switzerland. By fourteen, witnessing plastic waste on a beach ignited her passion for climate action. Now the founder of Climate Conservancy, Leena leads an international youth movement advocating for climate education. With 9,000 young people in 60+ countries, her mission is to create systematic change, ensuring a healthier planet for all.


Simulizi ya Josephat is a story which talked about a young man who is disabled and can’t hear or see anything. The particular of the story is to remind the policymakers to consider the endorsement of people with disabilities to have an access of information concerning climate change when the disaster occur

PEOPLE POWER: Most Affected People and Areas #MAPA

Imagine, having to suffer for the mistakes of your neighbor. That is how it is with the Climate Crisis. The people who contribute the least to the crisis suffer the most. These are the MAPA - The Most Affected People and Areas. It's time to Act. It starts with Awareness. Then Find your Voice and Highlight the injustices in our communities. You have the Power to Demand Real Action, Drive Change and Impact Positively. People Power!

Caste and Climate Change

Caste and Climate Change

Caste-based discrimination affects more than 260 million Dalits worldwide who suffer from the hidden apartheid of segregation, exclusion and discrimination. Dalit women and girls are the most discriminated, systematically excluded and historically oppressed group in the sub-continent. Dalit women lag behind in most of the areas of human development indicators. Unequal access to resources and opportunities makes Dalit Women more socially vulnerable and frequently exposes them to the chance of being a victim to caste, class and gender-based violence. A woman’s caste in South Asia can increase her exposure to mortality as a result of factors such as poor sanitation and inadequate water supply and health care, says a report by the UN Women. It states that the average age of death for Dalit women is 14.6 years younger than for higher caste women. This story depicts how the historic, institutionalized and systemic oppression of Dalit women from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Nepal will make them one of the most vulnerable, susceptible and high-risk targets in the changing climate.

My Water Friend

This story revolves around María, an intro-extroverted city girl interested in animals. During a forced trip, María detected an injustice towards her parents, which caused her great impotence, in this way Omega was born, her imaginary friend in the shape of a cow and made entirely of water. Omega gives her the key to be able to help her community, however, events change the direction in which María wants to do justice.