
Una gota rueda sobre el hielo y cuelga sobre el vacío

Una gota rueda sobre el hielo y cuelga sobre el vacío

En América Latina, aparte de los famosos gigantes de hielo en la cordillera de los Andes al sur del continente también tenemos glaciares en zonas menos esperadas: los trópicos. Colombia tiene 6 glaciares, México tiene 3 y Venezuela tiene 1. Gracias a ellos tenemos agua fluyendo de las montañas a los campos agrícolas y a las ciudades…

Colombia protests for democracy: understanding its connection with nature & how to support

Colombia protests for democracy: understanding its connection with nature & how to support

The anti-government protests in Colombia started on April 28th and are now entering their 3rd week. It all started with the announcement of an unpopular tax reform by President Ivan Duque. The law would drastically affect the working class, expanding taxes to citizens, business owners, food and sales. After an incredibly challenging year for many due to COVID-19, the demonstrations were huge. On May 2nd, after 5 days of violence in the streets across the country…

Venezuela: Concrete Beaches in Oil Seas | Venezuela: Playas de Concreto en Mares de Petróleo

Venezuela: Concrete Beaches in Oil Seas | Venezuela: Playas de Concreto en Mares de Petróleo

The ecological footprint of being called the “Country with the largest oil reserves in the world”, is still present on the coasts. More than half a century of oil production has given Venezuela great economic wealth at the cost of environmental degradation. Due to it’s geo-strategic location…

Venezuela: Mining impacts on Indigenous Communities

Venezuela: Mining impacts on Indigenous Communities

Increasingly, the traditional territories of Indigenous communities in Venezuela have become areas where Colombian Guerrillas, illegal miners and Venezuelan military forces openly cooperate to mine, coercing them to destroy their own ancestral lands, resulting in a large migration to neighboring countries, most notably Brazil. And yes, you read it right. The crises that Venezuelan Indigenous communities are facing are so devastating that they have no option but to go to the very same country that is all over main stream media because of the environmental crisis.

Venezuela: environmental and human injustices – Arco Minero ecocide

Venezuela: environmental and human injustices – Arco Minero ecocide

“Despite these humanitarian and environmental atrocities, very few global organizations or activists have mobilized or campaigned to make these issues known within their circles. In the meantime, this huge area is being mined, and the great biodiversity and the indigenous people in this area are being impacted and the damage will be irreversible.”