Hannah Johns



Y4N Role: USA Engagement Team Lead
English, Spanish
Favorite Quote:
“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Pope John Paul II 

Hannah Johns is a recent graduate from George Mason University in Virginia, USA. Here she began to pursue working with vulnerable and frontline communities most affected by the ecological crisis and climate crisis. She connected with Y4N through her studies, and is very excited to continue this work by empowering youth to mobilize and learn through partnerships in storytelling.

Her upbringing gave her the opportunity to live all over the world, her most recent travels brought her to Peru and Slovenia. Hannah is very passionate about culture, education, justice, and creating relationships.

She will usually be journaling, volunteering in her community, and singing, but you can surely find her to chat about anything! Find her on LinkedIn or Twitter.